Sales Fundamental Test
Our Sales Fundamentals test is the most preferred skills tests for recruiters and hiring managers to asses sales skills of the applicants before the interview. Our Sales fundamental assessment is useful for hiring sales persons with 0 to 2 years of experience. This assessment is such that it can save your hiring cost by up to 61%.

About HireQuotient’s Sales Fundamental Test
At HireQuotient’s sales fundamental test, we assess the Sales Process knowledge of a candidate. The test contains meaningful questions on sales steps, methods, processes, and many more. Using powerful reporting, you will have a detailed analysis of test results to help you make better decisions and predict candidate and employee success.
Our distinctive business process ability test enables you to more thoroughly evaluate a candidate's talents and avoid making recruiting decisions based just on a piece of paper.
Our sales knowledge test allows you to concentrate on hiring the most qualified candidates by automatically grading and ranking candidates based on their performance.
Skills & Topics Covered
Business analyst aptitude test
Financial accounting test
Project management test
Sales account manager test
Sales management test
Roles You Can Hire
- Sales executive
- Sales specialist
With HireQuotient
Client & Candidates Experience
Customers Experience
HireQuotient has shown great flexibility in customizing solutions that fit our specific needs. I value their customer-centricity and the team's commitment to ensure that their solution has maximum impact on our recruiting processes.
Amber Grewal
Managing Director & Partner, Chief Recruiting/Talent Officer,
The Boston Consulting Group
Candidate Experience
For one of our clients, out of 523 candidates assessed 518 candidates had a great experience while giving the HireQuotinet test The collective reviews:
- Clean and streamlined test
- No errors
- Less time consuming questions

“HireQuotient has shown great flexibility in customizing solutions that fit our specific needs. I value their customer-centricity and the team's commitment to ensure that their solution has maximum impact on our recruiting processes.”
Amber Grewal
Managing Director & Partner, Chief Recruiting/Talent Officer, The Boston Consulting Group
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