How to hire

Customer Success Evangelist

A Customer Success Evangelist is a role dedicated to promoting customer success and advocacy within an organization. They work to ensure that customers have a positive experience and achieve their desired outcomes with the company's products or services.

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a. Definition of a Customer Success Evangelist:

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern business, a Customer Success Evangelist emerges as a linchpin, an advocate, and a custodian of customer delight. This multifaceted role within an organization is meticulously designed to transcend mere customer service and elevate the entire customer experience. A Customer Success Evangelist, often referred to as a "CSE," possesses an innate passion for nurturing customer relationships, promoting customer success, and championing the needs of customers across every juncture of the customer success process.

At the core of their role, Customer Success Evangelists serve as the indispensable bridge between the customer and the organization. They are not just facilitators but orchestrators of exceptional customer experiences, ensuring that every customer interaction with the company is imbued with value, relevance, and satisfaction. It's not merely a job; it's a relentless dedication to turning customers into advocates and stakeholders in the company's journey.

b. The Significance of Customer Success in Business:

In the contemporary arena of cutthroat competition, the success of any business hinges crucially on its ability to deliver unwavering customer satisfaction. Customer success is not merely an auxiliary aspect of business operations; it is an indispensable and central tenet for sustainable growth, enduring profitability, and the cultivation of a loyal customer base.

A well-structured and meticulously executed customer success process serves as the lighthouse that guides an organization through the tumultuous waters of the market. It is the bedrock of a customer-centric approach that encapsulates the entire spectrum of understanding, supporting, and engaging customers. This process aims to achieve three paramount objectives:

  1. Customer Retention: Customer Success Evangelists play a pivotal role in preserving the customer base. They engage in a continuous, proactive, and personalized approach to retain customers by addressing their evolving needs and ensuring a seamless customer journey.
  2. Revenue Growth: By ensuring that each customer derives maximal value from their association with the company, Customer Success Evangelists directly contribute to boosting revenue. Satisfied and engaged customers are not merely patrons but fervent advocates who are more likely to expand their investment in the company's products and services.
  3. Brand Loyalty: The ultimate goal of customer success is to foster unwavering brand loyalty. Customers who experience exceptional value are more likely to become brand evangelists, spreading the word about their positive experiences and attracting new customers.

The Customer Success Evangelist stands at the vanguard of these objectives, wielding their expertise to shape, drive, and champion customer success initiatives. With their unwavering dedication to customers and a holistic approach to business, they ensure that the organization remains aligned with a resolutely customer-centric ethos. In the end, they don't just drive business success; they engender customer success, a mutually beneficial journey that strengthens both customers and the company.

1. Roles & Responsibilities:

As a Customer Success Evangelist, your roles and responsibilities encompass a broad spectrum of functions. Here are some key areas of focus:

a. Advocacy and Evangelism:

  1. Act as a strong advocate for the customer within the organization, ensuring that customer needs and feedback are prioritized.
  2. Promote the company's products and services, providing customers with insights on how to derive maximum value from their investments.

b. Customer Onboarding and Training:

  1. Guide customers through the onboarding process, ensuring they have a seamless and positive experience.
  2. Develop and deliver training programs and resources to enhance customer product knowledge and usage.

c. Relationship Management:

  1. Build and maintain strong, long-lasting customer relationships, becoming a trusted advisor to key accounts.
  2. Regularly assess customer satisfaction and gather feedback to address concerns and improve the customer experience.

d Data Analysis and Insights:

  1. Analyze customer data to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities for improvement.
  2. Provide actionable insights to customers and internal teams to optimize products and services.

You may review a detailed article on Customer Success Evangelist roles & responsibilities.

2. Why Hire a Customer Success Evangelist?

a. Enhancing Customer Loyalty and Retention: In a business landscape saturated with choices and alternatives, customer loyalty is the true currency of sustainable success. It's not enough to merely secure one-time transactions; what distinguishes an exceptional organization is its ability to create fervent and lasting bonds with its customers. A Customer Success Evangelist is the catalyst for this transformation.

  1. Their role is akin to a maestro, orchestrating a symphony of customer experiences that are deeply personal, unforgettable, and emotionally resonant. It's about weaving a tapestry of interactions that doesn't merely meet expectations but consistently exceeds them. The goal is not only to reduce churn – the phenomenon where customers discontinue their relationship with a company – but also to augment customer retention rates.
  2. To achieve this, Customer Success Evangelists are fervent advocates of customer-centricity. They proactively identify and address customer concerns and needs, making them feel heard and valued. In doing so, they transform disgruntled customers into satisfied advocates who remain loyal to the brand. Their expertise goes beyond addressing problems; it extends to preempting them, crafting preventive measures, and ensuring that every facet of the customer journey radiates satisfaction and excellence.

b. Increasing Customer Lifetime Value: Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is the compass that guides companies toward long-term financial sustainability. A Customer Success Evangelist shoulders the responsibility of ensuring that every customer's association with the organization is not just a transaction but a lifelong journey that maximizes their value.

  1. The magic of Customer Success Evangelists lies in their understanding that the path to elevating CLV is paved with a commitment to ongoing value. It's about ensuring that customers receive increasing value from the products and services they've invested in. They don't just view a sale as the culmination of a process; it's the inception of a long-term partnership.
  2. Through deep insights into customer needs and a nuanced understanding of the evolving market, Evangelists identify opportunities to upsell – offering customers more advanced or premium solutions that cater precisely to their evolving needs. It's not merely about selling; it's about understanding, empathizing, and elevating the customer's experience. Cross-selling is another facet of their expertise, introducing complementary products and services that enhance the customer's engagement and satisfaction.

By consistently guiding customers towards greater value, Customer Success Evangelists nurture relationships that extend beyond immediate profits. They sow the seeds of enduring customer loyalty, cultivating a financially sound partnership that benefits both customer and company over the long haul.

c. Driving Growth and Expansion: In a world where organizations are constantly seeking avenues for growth and expansion, Customer Success Evangelists are the trailblazers who pave the way forward. They are the visionaries, the strategists, and the catalysts that lead the charge.

  1. With an intimate knowledge of the organization's offerings and a keen awareness of customer needs, Evangelists become the agents of growth. They identify opportunities for upselling, offering customers enhanced or premium versions of their existing products, a strategy that not only enhances the customer experience but also directly impacts the bottom line. Cross-selling is another string in their bow, allowing them to introduce complementary products or services, expanding the customer's engagement and further boosting revenue.
  2. Yet, their influence extends beyond the realm of existing customers. Through their network of satisfied clients and the relationships they meticulously cultivate, they act as magnets, attracting new customers into the fold. Their role as advocates for the brand and their profound understanding of the customer's journey make them ideal influencers who can shape potential customers' perceptions and steer them toward the organization's offerings.

The Customer Success Evangelist is a revenue generator, a growth strategist, and a customer acquisition virtuoso, all rolled into one. Their ability to identify and seize these opportunities is the linchpin for revenue growth, securing the existing customer base, and charting a course for market expansion. They don't merely manage customer success; they catalyze the organization's success.

4. Skills and Competencies:

To thrive in the multifaceted role of a Customer Success Evangelist, a diverse set of skills and competencies are indispensable. These skills encompass a combination of technical prowess and soft skills, reflecting the holistic nature of the role.

a. Customer-Centric Mindset:

The heartbeat of a Customer Success Evangelist is an unwavering commitment to customers' well-being. It's not just about providing a service; it's about becoming a trusted partner in their success journey. Key skills within this domain include:

  1. Empathy: The ability to truly put oneself in the customer's shoes, to understand their needs, concerns, and aspirations. Empathy is the foundation of building strong relationships and tailoring solutions that align with the customer's unique challenges.
  2. Customer Advocacy: A Customer Success Evangelist champions the customer's perspective within the organization. This requires not only understanding their needs but also articulating and advocating for them at all levels of the company. It's about being the voice of the customer.

b. Strong Communication Skills:

Communication is the glue that binds all interactions. Effective communication involves not just talking but also listening, understanding, and responding with clarity and empathy. Key competencies in this realm include:

  1. Active Listening: The ability to fully comprehend a customer's concerns, even those left unsaid, and to respond with solutions that resonate with their needs.
  2. Clear Articulation: The power to convey complex technical information in a simple, understandable manner. This skill bridges the gap between customers who may not be well-versed in technical jargon and the intricacies of the products or services.
  3. Conflict Resolution: The capacity to navigate challenging conversations with poise and grace. Conflict is a natural part of business, and a Customer Success Evangelist should be adept at transforming conflict into opportunities for understanding and resolution.

c. Data Analysis and Interpretation:

The ability to harness the power of information is a critical asset. Customer Success Evangelists must be proficient in data analysis to extract meaningful insights and craft actionable strategies. Key proficiencies in this domain encompass:

  1. Data Gathering: The skill of collecting and curating relevant customer data. This involves not only gathering quantitative metrics but also understanding the qualitative aspects of customer feedback.
  2. Data Interpretation: The capability to dissect data, identify patterns, trends, and outliers, and draw valuable conclusions. This enables the Evangelist to make informed decisions and recommendations.
  3. Actionable Insights: The expertise to translate data into strategies. Knowing how to convert insights into concrete actions that enhance the customer experience, reduce churn, and drive revenue growth.

d. Technical Proficiency:

A profound familiarity with the company's products and services is the bedrock upon which a Customer Success Evangelist builds their expertise. Key skills encompass:

  1. Product Knowledge: A comprehensive understanding of the company's products and services is non-negotiable. They must be adept at navigating the intricacies and features of these offerings, which empowers them to guide customers effectively.
  2. Technological Aptitude: The world of business is becoming increasingly digital. Customer Success Evangelists should have an innate comfort with technology, as it underpins most interactions with customers.

e. Problem-Solving Abilities:

The role of a Customer Success Evangelist is not just to manage customer relationships but to proactively identify and address challenges. Key skills include:

  1. Analytical Thinking: The capacity to dissect complex problems into manageable components and to develop systematic approaches to address them.
  2. Creative Problem-Solving: The knack for thinking outside the box. Some customer issues may not have straightforward solutions, and innovative problem-solving can be the key to turning challenges into opportunities.

f. Adaptability and Empathy:

Change is a constant in the world of business, and a Customer Success Evangelist should not only embrace change but also remain attuned to the evolving needs of customers. Competencies in this domain encompass:

  1. Adaptability: The ability to pivot and adjust to changing customer needs, market dynamics, and company policies. An Evangelist should be agile and open to change, ensuring that customer success strategies remain relevant.
  2. Empathy in Adversity: The hallmark of exceptional customer service is demonstrating empathy even during challenging and adversarial situations. It's the ability to understand and soothe a customer's concerns, even when circumstances are less than ideal.

A Customer Success Evangelist is a holistic role that demands a diverse set of skills and competencies. It's not just about proficiency in technical aspects but also a profound commitment to customer-centricity, effective communication, data-driven decision-making, problem-solving, and adaptability. These competencies collectively empower them to become the stewards of customer success, delivering exceptional experiences and driving business growth.

5. Sample Job Description:

Job Description 1: Customer Success Evangelist - SaaS Industry

Location: [City, State]

Company: [SaaS Company Name]

About Us:

[Include a brief description of the SaaS company, its products or services, and its mission.]

Job Description:

We are looking for a dynamic and customer-focused Customer Success Evangelist to join our team at [SaaS Company Name]. As a pivotal member of our customer success team, you will be the bridge between our customers and our organization, dedicated to ensuring exceptional customer experiences and long-term success.

Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Act as a passionate advocate for our customers, ensuring their voices are heard within the organization.
  • Guide customers through the onboarding process and provide training to optimize their usage of our SaaS platform.
  • Build and maintain strong, enduring relationships with key accounts, actively managing their success.
  • Analyze customer data to identify usage trends and opportunities for improvement, translating data into actionable insights.
  • Promote our SaaS products, advising customers on how to leverage their full potential and maximize value.


  • Proven experience in customer success, account management, or a related field within the SaaS industry.
  • Exceptional communication skills, with the ability to convey technical information in a clear and understandable manner.
  • Proficiency in data analysis tools and techniques, with a track record of turning data into strategies that drive success.
  • Deep knowledge of our SaaS products and the ability to guide customers through their features.
  • Strong problem-solving abilities, with a proactive approach to addressing customer challenges.
  • Adaptability and empathy in interactions with customers, especially during complex situations.


[Include information about company benefits, culture, and any unique perks related to the SaaS industry.]

Job Description 2: Customer Success Evangelist - E-commerce Industry

Location: [City, State]

Company: [E-commerce Company Name]

About Us:

[Provide a concise overview of the e-commerce company, its product offerings, and its mission.]

Job Description:

We are seeking a passionate and customer-focused Customer Success Evangelist to join our team at [E-commerce Company Name]. In this role, you will play a crucial part in nurturing customer relationships, promoting customer success, and advocating for our customers in the e-commerce sector.

Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Serve as a dedicated advocate for our customers, ensuring their needs and feedback are prioritized within our e-commerce organization.
  • Guide customers through the onboarding process, and provide training, and support to enhance their e-commerce success.
  • Cultivate and maintain strong, long-lasting relationships with key clients, acting as their trusted advisor.
  • Leverage data analysis to identify customer behavior patterns, thereby delivering actionable insights to improve the customer experience.
  • Promote our e-commerce products and services, offering insights to maximize customer value.


  • Proven experience in customer success, account management, or a related role within the e-commerce industry.
  • Exceptional communication skills, capable of simplifying complex technical information for customer understanding.
  • Proficiency in data analysis tools to extract valuable insights and formulate strategies.
  • A profound understanding of our e-commerce product offerings and the ability to guide customers effectively.
  • Strong problem-solving skills, with a knack for swiftly addressing customer pain points.
  • Adaptability and empathy, especially in dynamic customer interactions within the e-commerce space.


[Include information about company benefits, cultural highlights, and industry-specific perks related to the e-commerce sector.]

6. Challenges:

In the dynamic world of business, a Customer Success Evangelist faces an array of challenges that test their mettle and ingenuity. These challenges span the spectrum from retaining existing customers to optimizing technology and fostering collaboration across multifunctional teams. Here, we delve deeper into each challenge:

a. Churn Reduction:

Reducing customer churn is a formidable challenge, particularly in fiercely competitive markets where customers have a multitude of choices at their fingertips. Churn represents the exodus of customers from your services, which, beyond revenue loss, signifies an erosion of trust and a dent in your reputation.

To tackle this challenge, a Customer Success Evangelist must be not just reactive but highly proactive. They should be capable of identifying early warning signs of churn by closely monitoring customer behavior and engaging customers at the right moment. The solution doesn't end with retention; it's about fostering deeper customer relationships that are resilient against market temptations. It demands an ongoing commitment to understanding customer needs and consistently delivering value that outpaces competitors.

b. Scaling Customer Success:

As companies grow, a conundrum arises: How do you scale customer success efforts while still preserving the personalized and intimate interactions that are at the core of the role? This is a challenge born from the success of the organization itself – the more customers you acquire, the more complex it becomes to manage all these relationships effectively.

One of the keys to scaling is systemization. It involves developing processes, implementing customer success technology solutions, and creating structured workflows. Automation can handle routine tasks, freeing up Customer Success Evangelists to focus on high-touch interactions. Additionally, it's about hiring, training, and empowering a customer success team capable of adhering to a consistent customer-centric ethos even as the company expands.

c. Technology Integration:

The modern landscape of customer success relies heavily on technology, including Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, data analytics tools, and customer engagement platforms. However, integrating and optimizing these systems can be a formidable challenge.

Effective integration requires in-depth knowledge of these technologies and the ability to customize and configure them to meet the specific needs of the organization. It's not just about installing the software; it's about ensuring that data flows seamlessly between systems and that the technology stack supports the customer success process. This challenge also involves ensuring data security, compliance with regulatory standards, and user training to maximize technology utilization.

Moreover, it's essential that the technology stack doesn't become a barrier to human connection. A Customer Success Evangelist should be able to leverage these tools to enhance, not replace, personal interactions with customers.

d. Cross-Functional Collaboration:

In most organizations, customer success doesn't operate in isolation. It needs to collaborate effectively with various other teams such as sales, marketing, and product development to align efforts and provide a cohesive customer experience.

This challenge is akin to orchestrating a symphony with multiple players, each having its own set of priorities and objectives. The success of such collaboration hinges on effective communication, shared goals, and mutual understanding. A Customer Success Evangelist needs to be a skilled diplomat, capable of navigating the terrain of interdepartmental politics, priorities, and workflows.

Success here means fostering a culture of customer-centricity that permeates the entire organization. It involves building bridges between teams, aligning processes, and ensuring that every department shares a unified vision of customer success.

These challenges are the crucible within which a Customer Success Evangelist must prove their mettle. It's a role that demands not just customer-centricity and technical prowess but also strategic thinking and diplomacy. Conquering these challenges contributes not only to the success of the customer but to the triumph of the organization as a whole.

7. How to Hire a Customer Success Evangelist:

Hiring a Customer Success Evangelist is a pivotal decision that can significantly impact your organization's success. It's essential to employ a comprehensive and meticulous approach to ensure you find the right individual who can effectively champion customer success. Here's a detailed breakdown of the steps to hire a Customer Success Evangelist:

a. Setting up the fences: 

  1. Define the Role and Responsibilities: Before embarking on the hiring process, it's crucial to have a crystal-clear understanding of the role and responsibilities of a Customer Success Evangelist within your organization. This entails:
  2. Alignment with Company Goals: Ensure that the role is well-aligned with your company's strategic objectives and customer-centric ethos. Clarify how the Evangelist will contribute to achieving these objectives.
  3. Key Responsibilities: Create a detailed job description that outlines the primary responsibilities, expected outcomes, and the role's significance in shaping customer success. This clarity helps candidates understand the expectations.
  4. Performance Metrics: Define key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to evaluate the success of the Evangelist in their role. These metrics can encompass customer retention rates, churn reduction, CLV improvement, and more.

b. Create an Effective Job Posting:

Crafting a compelling job posting is vital in attracting candidates who are genuinely passionate about the role and understand its significance. You can also use candidate sourcing tools that can help you do this part of the work for you. Some key elements to include are:

  1. Role Overview: Begin with an engaging overview of the role, highlighting its importance in driving customer success and business growth.
  2. Responsibilities: Detail the core responsibilities of the Evangelist, making it clear how they will be interacting with customers, collaborating with internal teams, and driving results.
  3. Skills and Qualifications: Specify the required skills, competencies, and qualifications, both technical and soft skills. Emphasize the need for empathy, communication, and technical proficiency.
  4. Company Values: Briefly introduce your company's values and culture, emphasizing the importance of cultural fit in the role.
  5. Application Instructions: Provide clear instructions for how candidates should apply, including the submission of resumes, portfolios, or any additional assessments.

c. Conduct Thorough Interviews:

The interview process is a critical stage for evaluating a candidate's fit for the role. Ensure that your interviews go beyond technical qualifications to assess the essential soft skills with video interviews as well as other skills using skill assessments to gauge the qualities of a Customer Success Evangelist:

  1. Technical Skills Assessment: Conduct interviews or assessments to evaluate a candidate's proficiency in areas such as data analysis, technology utilization, and product knowledge. Pose scenarios and ask how they would address specific customer challenges.
  2. Empathy and Communication: Use behavioral interview questions to gauge the candidate's ability to empathize with customers, listen actively, and communicate effectively. Ask for examples of how they've handled challenging customer situations.
  3. Problem-Solving: Present real or hypothetical customer issues and assess the candidate's problem-solving abilities. Look for their capacity to identify solutions, innovate, and turn challenges into opportunities.
  4. Collaboration: Assess their experience in cross-functional collaboration by inquiring about their interactions with sales, marketing, or product development teams. How have they aligned efforts and contributed to a customer-centric culture?

d. Assess for Cultural Fit:

Cultural fit is often underestimated but can be a game-changer in customer-facing roles. Here's how to evaluate it:

  1. Values Alignment: Discuss your company's values and culture openly during the interviews. Inquire about the candidate's values and work style. Look for alignment and shared values.
  2. Team Compatibility: Evaluate how the candidate would integrate into your existing team. Ask about their experiences working in diverse teams and adapting to different work environments.
  3. Long-Term Perspective: Explore the candidate's long-term vision within the company. Are they genuinely interested in championing customer success for the long haul, or is this just a stepping stone in their career?

Hiring a Customer Success Evangelist is about finding not just an employee but an advocate, an ambassador, and a guardian of your customer relationships. The right hire can make a substantial difference in customer satisfaction, loyalty, and the long-term growth of your organization. Therefore, the investment in the hiring process is an investment in your customers' success.
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