How to hire


A copywriter is a professional who crafts persuasive and engaging written content, often for advertising or marketing purposes.

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1. Who is a Copywriter?

Copywriter is a professional who is an expert in creating compelling copies to describe products or services. Copywriter plays an important role in educating and engaging consumers. The content written by copywriting professionals can be consumed in many ways such as advertisements, marketing materials, websites, social media, emails, and more. The Copywriter uses their skills, marketing understanding, and creativity to create copy to resonate with the target audience and prompts expected actions such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or visiting a website.

According to Hubspot, 67% of people say they go to the brand website if they want to know more about their brand. A skilled copywriter possesses the ability to grab the attention of potential consumers, foster deeper relationships, and drive desired actions. 

2. What does a copywriter do?

Copywriters also play a very vital role in the digital marketing system. They are responsible for brand visibility, engagement, and ultimate business growth. 

Let's have a look at the Copywriter’s responsibilities: 

  • Content creation: The main role of a Copywriter is to create content for marketing purposes. They present the service or product related information in a simpler and easy to understand way. They write copy for marketing, brand promotion, websites, blogs, and email campaigns
  • Developing brand voice: Creating brand awareness through compelling brand copies and messages by ensuring style and tone that attract the right set of audience. Maintaining the brand consistency across all the channels through consistent messaging and establishing brand loyalty and recognition.
  • Incorporating SEO principles: Optimizing copy for search engines by integrating relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and headers to improve visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Collaborating with designers and marketers: Working closely with designers, art directors, marketing managers, and other team members to ensure that the copy complements visual elements and aligns with the overall marketing strategy.

3. Why should you hire a Copywriter?

Hiring a Copywriter has three main benefits: brand building, attracting the right audience and getting desired actions for the potential customers. 

Write strategic and creating brand messages

They write persuasive and compelling messages aligned with the brand’s objectives, voice, and values. Copywriters are the expert to deliver USPs and brand messages in concise, clear, and effective ways to grab the attention of existing and new users. 

Building brand image

Copywriters study their audiences thoroughly. They study their behavior, preferences, and choices related to the product or services and craft brand copies to build overall perception of the brand. Through their compelling and strategically written content they shape brand identity in the minds of potential customers. 

Increased Engagement and Conversions

Compelling copy has the power to captivate audiences, spark emotions, and prompt action. Whether it's encouraging clicks, driving conversions, or generating leads, effective copywriting can significantly impact customer engagement and drive desired outcomes for businesses.

Time and Resource Efficiency

Outsourcing copywriting tasks to a professional allows businesses to save time, resources, and internal bandwidth. By leveraging the expertise of a copywriter, companies can focus on core business activities while ensuring that their messaging remains effective and impactful.

4. Copywriter skills and qualities

Technical Skills:

  • Proficiency in writing: 

A copywriter must have exceptional writing skills, including grammar, punctuation, syntax, and vocabulary. They should be able to craft clear, concise, and engaging copy tailored to different platforms and audiences.

  • SEO knowledge: 

Understanding of search engine optimization (SEO) principles is crucial for optimizing copy to improve online visibility and search engine rankings. Copywriters should be familiar with keyword research, meta tags, and content optimization techniques.

  • Research abilities: 

Copywriters need strong research skills to gather information, understand target audiences, and stay updated on industry trends. They should be adept at conducting thorough research to support their writing and develop compelling content.

  • Content management systems (CMS): 

Familiarity with content management systems such as WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla is beneficial for publishing and managing content across websites and digital platforms.

Workplace Skills

  • Time Management: Copywriters should be adept at managing deadlines, multitasking, and prioritizing tasks effectively to ensure timely delivery of projects and assignments.
  • Communication Skills: Strong communication skills are essential for collaborating with team members, clients, and stakeholders. Copywriters should be able to articulate ideas, provide feedback, and communicate effectively across various channels.
  • Adaptability: The ability to adapt to changing priorities, project requirements, and feedback is crucial in a fast-paced and dynamic work environment.
  • Team Collaboration: Copywriters often work as part of interdisciplinary teams, including designers, marketers, and project managers. They should be able to collaborate effectively, share ideas, and contribute to team goals.

 Personal Traits

  • Creativity
  • Attention to Detail
  • Critical Thinking Resilience
  • Time-Effective
  • Collaborative
  • Positive Attitude
  • Persistent
  • Versatile
  • Responsible
  • Culturally Aware
  • Strategic Thinker
  • Customer-Centric

By possessing a combination of technical, workplace, and personal skills, copywriters can effectively meet the demands of the role and deliver high-quality, impactful content that engages audiences and drives results for businesses.

5. Copywriter job description template:

Job Title: Copywriter

Location: [City, State]


Company: [Your Software Company]

Job Type: Full-Time

Job summary: 

We are seeking a talented and creative Copywriter to join our dynamic marketing team. The ideal candidate will be responsible for crafting compelling and engaging content across various platforms to effectively communicate our brand's message and drive audience engagement. As a Copywriter, you will collaborate closely with the marketing team to develop innovative and persuasive copy that resonates with our target audience and supports our marketing objectives.


  • Develop original and creative content for a variety of marketing materials, including website copy, blog posts, social media content, email newsletters, advertisements, and product descriptions.
  • Research industry trends, market insights, and competitor strategies to inform content development and ensure relevance and differentiation.
  • Collaborate with internal stakeholders, including marketing managers, designers, and subject matter experts, to develop cohesive and compelling messaging that aligns with brand guidelines and marketing objectives.
  • Optimize content for search engines (SEO) by integrating relevant keywords, meta tags, and SEO best practices to improve online visibility and drive organic traffic.
  • Proofread and edit content for clarity, grammar, accuracy, and adherence to brand voice and style guidelines.
  • Stay updated on emerging trends, technologies, and best practices in content marketing and copywriting to enhance the effectiveness and impact of our content strategy.


  • Bachelor's degree in English, Journalism, Communications, Marketing, or related field.
  • Proven experience as a Copywriter or similar role in a marketing or advertising agency, corporate marketing department, or related industry.
  • Exceptional writing skills with a keen eye for detail and a strong command of grammar, punctuation, and syntax.
  • Creative thinker with the ability to generate original ideas, concepts, and messaging that resonate with target audiences.
  • Strong research skills with the ability to gather and analyze information from multiple sources to inform content development and strategy.
  • Proficiency in content management systems (CMS), Microsoft Office Suite, and other relevant software applications.
  • Familiarity with SEO principles and content optimization techniques preferred.
  • Excellent communication, collaboration, and time management skills, with the ability to multitask and meet tight deadlines in a fast-paced environment.

You can check more job descriptions here

6. How to hire a Copywriter?

  1. Craft a compelling Copywriter job description

Whether you're hiring a beginner or experienced Copywriter, craft the Copywriter job description that clearly states the duties and responsibilities of the role accurately. The career path for the role, benefits, and the organization's ideas should all be mentioned. It will undoubtedly draw in highly competent applicants who mesh well with the company.

In addition to the job description in section 5, you can explore a JD generator tool.

  1. Discover relevant candidates

Recruiters must target passive and hidden talent pools to identify talented candidates who are likely to join the organization.

Recruiters can use job sites such as Indeed, LinkedIn, ZipRecruiter, and Glassdoor to find active job seekers. To get passive candidates for jobs, it’s advisable to want recruitment tools. 

EasySource’s Candidate Discovery Module can instantly surface relevant Copywriters from active, passive, and hidden talent pools based on your business development representative job description or simple prompts. 

  1. Screen candidates

Most of the ATS and candidate screening tools rely on keywords in candidates’ profiles or resumes to filter them. It may lead to relevant candidates being eliminated from the process simply because their profiles or resumes did not have the right keywords. Worse, it may lead to irrelevant candidates being filtered in one go because they focused on the right keywords.

To avoid this, EasySource’s Candidate Screening Module uses persona-based screening to map the ideal candidate profile based on your business development representative job description or prompts and finds Copywriters with relevant skills, profiles, and work experience. This persona-based screening also ranks candidates based on their relevancy so that recruiters can prioritize their outreach.

  1. Assess candidates

Skill assessments can be used to ensure only qualified candidates get in and that the health of the talent pipeline is robust. They can also help in making faster hiring decisions without bias.

EasyAssess offers pre-built and customized adaptive Copywriter skill assessments that validate technical, and workplace skills as well as personality traits. These pre-employment tests create a level playing field so that recruiters can build winning teams with qualified candidates from diverse backgrounds.

  1. Interview candidates

Here are some interview questions that can draw out complete responses from candidates.

  • Share examples of your versatile writing styles for diverse platforms and audiences.
  • Explain how you integrate SEO principles into your writing for enhanced online impact.
  • Describe a situation where effective collaboration aligned content with brand objectives.
  • Highlight an instance where your editing ensured high-quality content.
  • How do you stay updated on industry trends and infuse innovation into your content?

For more Copywriter interview questions and answers, click here

    6. Engage candidates

Reaching out to qualified Copywriters and engaging them throughout the hiring process requires recruiters to engage with them 1-on-1. It can be quite tedious and time-consuming which may result in losing qualified candidates. Recruiters should use communication tools that allow them to build personalized messaging to keep their candidates engaged.

EasySource’s Candidate Engagement Module ensures that candidates are engaged with highly personalized strategies and messaging across multiple platforms to compel them to join your organization.

    7. Conduct reference checks

Once you have shortlisted the candidates, verify their work history and performance in previous roles. This step is essential in ensuring the authenticity of their claims and understanding their strengths and areas for development. 

Also, enquire about the candidate's ability to work effectively within a team and adapt to the company culture as this role required collaboration across multiple teams.

    8. Selection and onboarding

An offer letter is important because it helps to protect both the employer and the employee. Share a comprehensive offer letter with the candidates that includes information about the position, such as the title, duties, salary, and benefits. It must include the start date, the probationary period (if any), and the signature of the employer.

In the onboarding program, introduce the Copywriters to the organization’s culture, values, and mission, as well as, specific product or service knowledge and buyer personas.

Copywriter CTA

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Talent Acquisition Partner: Unlock the power of talent: your perfect fit awaits!

Recruiting Software: Streamline your hiring process: from sourcing to hiring !

Recruiting Software for Small Business: big solutions for small teams: elevate your hiring game!

Recruiting Software CRM: Discover, engage & hire: revolutionize your recruitment experience!

Recruitment Automation Tools: Efficiency redefined: let automation work for you!

AI Recruitment Software: Intelligence meets hiring: experience the future of recruitment!

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