
Video Assessments

Video Assessments and How They Help You Identify Top Talent in the Pool.

Published on December 9th, 2022


What is a Video Assessment?

Resumes may look appealing with the right kind of skills, a fancy educational background, an impressive record of work experience, and a lot more. But how do you know if your candidate has everything listed on a virtual piece of paper? 

If you haven’t heard of video assessments before in recruiting, you will now!

Simply put, video assessments or video interviews take place when you present a list of questions to a candidate, and they respond by recording a video response. 

These video tests or interviews are typically carried out using video conferencing software or a specific application. The questions are then created, keeping in mind the requirements of the job. It helps interviewers assess whether or not the candidate is right for the job. You as an interviewer can judge your candidate's ability to perform and do the job well, their communication skills, and, most importantly, if they are a good cultural fit for the organization, using these video assessments. Video assessments are an excellent method for conducting unbiased and fair interviews. 

How does it work?

These assessments come with a batch of questions that are designed by the recruiter itself. The questions are created with the job requirements in mind. These video assessments typically have a time limit for the candidate to answer all of the questions. 

Types of video assessments

Video Interviews

As the name suggests, video interviews are ones in which the applicant provides a quick introduction and answers a series of questions provided by the interviewer. These questions can be developed by the interviewer to assess the candidate's knowledge of a specific subject or to determine whether the candidate is a good cultural fit for the company. Hiring managers can judge the candidate and the tape using this interview approach without being influenced by a live, one-on-one interview.

Live Screen Sharing

At times, you might want to monitor the assessment all the way through to see how efficient the candidate is at deriving solutions or executing a certain task. Live screen sharing is one of the ways you check on the authenticity of the candidate’s performance. Live screen sharing works best for coding roles, where you can see your candidate solve coding-related assessments in real-time. 

Situational judgment tests

This form of assessment is quite popular in the US and in Western Europe. In these assessments, candidates are given a work-related problem and asked to find the best possible solution to it. 

Many recruiters and hiring managers use this to sift through the chaff and find potential candidates in the early stages of their hiring processes. 
Situational judgment tests can be designed to include elements of psychology, social skills, and a variety of other factors that contribute to a candidate's overall performance within an organization.

Where do video assessments work best?

You guessed correctly! This type of assessment works best when hiring employees who prefer working remotely. 

When you hire candidates, especially ones who want to work remotely, you have to tweak your hiring processes a bit. This means, you, as a hiring manager, have to go the extra mile to find out if your candidates are authentic and true to what they say in their resumes. But how do you do all of that? 

Here’s how you can do it in three effective ways:

A Virtual Highway to remote talent:
One of the major benefits of remote hiring processes is that you have complete access to fresh talent from any part of the world. But in order to take complete advantage of this gold mine of talent sourcing, your virtual hiring game must be accessible to every remote job seeker out there. 

This is where video assessments come into play, with a host of benefits. As you design your remote hiring strategy, including video assessments in the process, you need to keep in mind regional laws and regulations. Your first step into integrating video assessments is finding a vendor who takes care of all of this while you focus on the candidate you want to hire. 

HireQuotient's video assessments are designed to find you the best talent from anywhere in the world in the shortest amount of time. These video assessments include a feature that allows hiring managers to include questions about the job that they want the candidate to answer. In case you want to proctor the test or assessment yourself, you can do that too. For example, if you want to test your candidate’s coding skills, you can do so through the Live Screen Sharing option on our Video Assessment platform. Click here to learn more. 

Engineering A Unique Human Connection:
The whole point of video assessments is to establish the same look and feel as that of an in-person interview, but with a twist. You must include voluntary human touchpoints when using a remote hiring process. This means that human interactions are incidental and not planned. It all happens in a natural manner.

Engineering a human connection by breaking the fourth wall is vital when hiring remotely. This is because if you need to make an interview more human or if you want to make your hiring process more human-like, you have to engineer that on your own. 

It's simple; it's an interview, but online. By being able to converse and engage with a candidate during a video assessment, you can give your remote hiring a more human touch. 

This not only allows hiring managers to see who they are recruiting and bringing on board, but it also gives your candidate an idea of the team they will be working with and whether or not they are compatible with the crew. 

A unified and cohesive Remote Hiring Strategy
Remote working can be tricky, and you as a hiring manager need to be wary of it. While designing a remote hiring strategy, you must align your goals with specific business outcomes. 

You must strive to build a culture of remote working where your employees practice transparency and loyalty. You can achieve this in an efficient manner through our video assessment platforms.

Integrating Video Assessments in Remote Hiring

Here are a few ways to integrate video assessments into your hiring process and make the most of them. 

Set Realistic and Achievable Goals:

Your first step to hiring correctly and properly is to set realistic goals that you know you can achieve. This applies when you adopt video assessment in your remote hiring regime. 

It's simple, Stay loyal to the procedure and the process. You must create goals that are time-efficient and tied to specific metrics. This means you must increase candidate quality by 25% every six months for the first six months of your remote hiring strategy.

Let your assessments have intentions that you want to achieve:

Video assessments may sound cool, and it is definitely a trend that's making the rounds. But don’t adopt it because you want to be part of the trend. You have to be absolutely sure about what you’re measuring and understand how the data you gather will help you in your hiring process. 

This means you need to create a road map of your entire hiring process. Jot down details like the traits, skills, and talents you’re looking for in a candidate. Once you have this, it gets easier for you to sift through the applications and assessments to find who you want to onboard.

Measurements are everything:

Whoever thought hiring was a piece of cake was clearly bad at baking too. This is due to the fact that measurements are essential for making a good cake or making the most of your hiring. 

You must assess the success of your video assessments as well as the goals you have achieved and compare them to the ones you set at the start of the process.

Benefits of video assessments and how they work best in remote hiring

If you aren't convinced enough, this is your way forward for successful remote hiring. Here are some more! 

It is cost-effective

It's a win-win for both. Nor do they have to travel for an interview and nor do you have to travel to interview them. 

Reduced time to fill:

Time to fill plays an important role in how healthy your hiring process is. How long it takes to hire someone and fill a position, and how long it takes for a position to be filled, determines how fast your hiring team is able to work cooperatively and function as one cohesive unit in finding and hiring new talent. 

It is convenient and it works for you!

Video assessments help you connect with fresh talent from any part of the world. With video assessments, you do not have to book meeting rooms, no need for the administrative burden that comes with in-person interviews. Basically, the interviews come to you, and you don't have to go to them. 


Admit it. At some point, you have made an unconscious decision or judgment based on the way someone looks, talks, or presents themselves. It is human nature to do so. But when it goes a tad higher and a bit personal, where you favor a certain gender or religion or even prefer candidates that have a certain appearance, you are being biased. Video assessments help eliminate that. How do you ask?

In-person interviews can give your candidates a certain amount of stress. The ones who know how to cover it are king, but the ones who can't are the ones on the receiving end of it. Video assessments help candidates record their interviews without the pressure of thinking they belong to a certain gender, religion, caste, or creed. They let their confidence do the talking for them.

On the contrary,
Video assessments are what you need right now. Its time to shift from piles of resumes and face-palm interviews to making sound judgement about who you want to hire, with adequate time. 
Book a demo now to know more. 
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Radhika Sarraf

Radhika Sarraf is a content specialist and a woman of many passions who currently works at HireQuotient, a leading recruitment SaaS company. She is a versatile writer with experience in creating compelling articles, blogs, social media posts, and marketing collaterals.

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