
Florida minimum wage

Florida minimum wage: The particulars to take note of

Published on June 5th, 2024


Florida's Minimum Wage: On the Rise to $15!

Are you an hourly worker in Florida wondering how much you should be getting paid? Or maybe you're a business owner curious about the upcoming changes to the minimum wage? Well, buckle up because Florida's minimum wage is on an upward trajectory, scheduled to reach $15 per hour by September 2026!

But before we dive into the specifics, let's take a step back. The minimum wage is the lowest hourly rate an employer can legally pay their non-exempt workers. It's a crucial policy aimed at ensuring a basic standard of living for those working full-time jobs.

The Sunshine State's Minimum Wage in 2024

As of today, June 15, 2024, Florida's minimum wage sits at $12.00 per hour [FRLA,]. This applies to most non-exempt employees in the state. However, things work a little differently for tipped employees, whose base wage can be lower as long as their tips bring their total compensation up to the minimum wage standard. Currently, the minimum hourly cash wage for tipped employees in Florida is $8.98 per hour [FRLA,]. This means employers can take a tip credit of up to $3.02 per hour, assuming the employee makes enough in tips to reach the combined minimum wage of $12.00. It's important to note that this information is sourced directly from the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (FRLA), which references the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity on their website. You can find the most up-to-date information on minimum wage from official government sources (.gov) to ensure you have the latest figures.

A Look Back: Florida's Minimum Wage Journey

Florida's minimum wage story isn't one of constant increases. In fact, it's a tale of gradual adjustments and occasional plateaus. Prior to 2005, the state's minimum wage mirrored the federal minimum wage, which has been in place since 1938. However, in 2005, a pivotal shift occurred. Florida voters approved a constitutional amendment establishing a state minimum wage that surpassed the federal standard. This marked the beginning of a new chapter for Florida's minimum wage, one with its own unique timeline of adjustments.

While the exact rates for every year might not be relevant to understanding the bigger picture, it's worth noting that Florida's minimum wage saw a series of modest increases in the years following the 2005 amendment. This upward trend wasn't always consistent, with periods of stagnation in between. However, a crucial aspect of Florida's current minimum wage system is its annual adjustment. This means that unlike some states with fixed minimum wage rates, Florida's minimum wage is designed to adapt to changing economic conditions. We'll delve deeper into the specifics of this annual adjustment mechanism in the next section.

Charting the Course: The Gradual Rise to $15

We now arrive at a defining moment in Florida's minimum wage history: the voter-approved amendment of 2020. This amendment, a product of public support for a fairer wage system, established a schedule for gradually increasing Florida's minimum wage until it reaches $15 per hour by September 30th, 2026. This marked a significant shift, ensuring a predictable and consistent rise in the minimum wage over a set timeframe.

Here's a table outlining the year-by-year breakdown of this minimum wage increase schedule:

YearEffective Date (Start of Fiscal Year)Minimum Wage
2020October 1stNo Change (Federal Minimum of $7.25 remained in effect)
2021September 30th$10.00
2022September 30th$11.00
2023September 30th$12.00
2024September 30th$13.00
2025September 30th$14.00
2026September 30th$15.00

This table provides a clear picture of the incremental steps Florida's minimum wage is taking towards the $15 per hour target. It's important to remember that this information is based on the current amendment and can be subject to future changes. However, it offers a valuable roadmap for both employers and employees as they navigate the evolving minimum wage landscape in Florida.

Tipping the Scales: Minimum Wage for Service Industry Workers

The world of tipped employees throws a twist into the minimum wage equation. These are workers whose income relies heavily on gratuities from customers, like servers, bartenders, and hairdressers. While they still receive a base hourly wage from their employer, it's often lower than the standard minimum wage because tips are expected to make up the difference.

In Florida, the system for tipped employees works like this. There's a designated minimum cash wage for tipped employees, currently set at $8.98 per hour [FRLA,]. This is lower than the minimum wage for non-tipped employees because employers are allowed to take a tip credit. This credit essentially reduces the amount of cash wages an employer needs to pay a tipped employee, as long as the combined total of their cash wage and tips reaches the full minimum wage amount. The current tip credit in Florida is $3.02 per hour [FRLA,]. This means that if a tipped employee makes enough in tips to bring their total compensation (cash wage + tips) to $12.00 per hour (the current minimum wage), their employer can pay them the base cash wage of $8.98 and claim the remaining $3.02 as a tip credit.

It's crucial for both tipped employees and their employers to understand this system. Employees should track their tips and hours worked to ensure they're receiving the full minimum wage. Employers, on the other hand, have a responsibility to make up the difference if an employee's tips, combined with their cash wage, don't reach the minimum wage threshold.

Not Everyone Makes Minimum: Understanding Exemptions

Florida's minimum wage isn't a one-size-fits-all policy. There are certain categories of employees who might be exempt from receiving the minimum wage. These exemptions are typically based on job duties, salary level, or industry. For instance, some executive or administrative positions, outside sales representatives, and certain agricultural workers might fall under exemption categories.

It's important to note that minimum wage exemptions can be complex and can vary depending on the specific circumstances. If you're unsure whether you or your employees qualify for an exemption, it's always best to consult a reliable source for detailed information. The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (FLDEO) provides a comprehensive overview of minimum wage exemptions in the state. By exploring their website or contacting them directly, you can ensure you're adhering to all the relevant regulations.

The $15 Question: Potential Impacts

Florida's rising minimum wage sparks a question on everyone's mind: how will it impact businesses and workers? The truth is, the answer isn't a simple one. Economists and policymakers have debated the potential effects of minimum wage increases for decades, with arguments on both sides. Some argue that a higher minimum wage can boost the economy by increasing consumer spending power among low-wage earners. This, in turn, could benefit businesses by stimulating demand for their goods and services. Additionally, higher wages can potentially lead to increased employee morale, retention, and productivity.

On the other hand, concerns exist about potential downsides. Some businesses, particularly those with tight profit margins, might struggle to absorb the increased labor costs associated with a higher minimum wage. This could lead to reduced hours, layoffs, or even price hikes for consumers. It's important to note that these are just some of the potential effects, and the actual impact can vary depending on factors like industry, business size, and economic conditions.

Given the complexity of this topic, a deeper dive into the potential economic effects of Florida's minimum wage increase deserves its own dedicated exploration.

Key Takeaways: Navigating Florida's Minimum Wage

Florida's minimum wage landscape is on the move! We explored the current rates, including the differentiated minimum wage for tipped employees and the concept of tip credits. We also delved into the history of minimum wage adjustments in the state and unpacked the voter-approved amendment leading to the gradual rise towards $15 per hour by 2026. Remember, there are exemptions to minimum wage requirements for certain employee categories, and you can find details on these exemptions through the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (FLDEO).

Whether you're an employee wondering about your rights or a business owner preparing for the upcoming changes, staying informed is crucial. The FLDEO website serves as a valuable resource for the latest information on minimum wage regulations in Florida. This knowledge can empower you to navigate the evolving minimum wage landscape and ensure you're adhering to all the legal requirements.

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FAQ: Florida minimum wage

What is minimum wage in Florida? 

The minimum wage in Florida is the legally mandated lowest amount an employer can pay their employees per hour.

What is the minimum wage in Florida? 

The minimum wage in Florida is updated annually, with the latest rates available on the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity website.

What is minimum wage in Florida 2023? 

In 2023, the minimum wage in Florida was set at $11.00 per hour.

What is Florida minimum wage? 

Florida's minimum wage is subject to change based on inflation and other economic factors.

How much is minimum wage in Florida? 

The minimum wage in Florida varies depending on the year and whether the employee receives tips.

What is the minimum wage in Florida 2023? 

As of 2023, the minimum wage in Florida was $11.00 per hour.

What is minimum wage in Florida 2024? 

For 2024, the minimum wage in Florida is expected to be adjusted. Check the latest updates for accurate figures.

What is minimum wage in the state of Florida? 

The state of Florida adjusts its minimum wage annually in response to inflation and other economic indicators.

When does minimum wage go up in Florida? 

The minimum wage in Florida typically increases on September 30th each year.

What is the current minimum wage in Florida? 

The current minimum wage in Florida can be found on the official website of the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity.

What is the minimum wage in the state of Florida? 

The state minimum wage in Florida is periodically reviewed and adjusted for inflation.

What is minimum wage in Florida per hour? 

The hourly minimum wage in Florida is set according to state regulations and can be found on the state's official website.

How much is the minimum wage in Florida? 

The minimum wage in Florida depends on the current year's adjustments and can be confirmed through official state announcements.

What is the minimum wage in Florida 2024? 

In 2024, the minimum wage in Florida is expected to increase as part of the state's scheduled wage adjustments.

What is the Florida minimum wage? 

Florida's minimum wage is determined annually based on economic factors and voter-approved amendments.

What minimum wage in Florida? 

Minimum wage in Florida is subject to annual adjustments based on inflation rates.

What is minimum wage in Florida right now? 

The current minimum wage in Florida is published on the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity's website.

What is minimum wage Florida? 

Florida's minimum wage is a state-mandated hourly wage that employers must pay their employees.

What the minimum wage in Florida? 

The minimum wage in Florida is regulated by the state government and updated annually.

What is the minimum wage for Florida? 

The minimum wage for Florida workers is determined each year and reflects economic conditions and legislative decisions.

What is minimum wage in Florida for minors? 

The minimum wage for minors in Florida is typically the same as for adults, unless specific exemptions apply.

What is minimum wage in Florida? 

Florida's minimum wage is legally required and adjusted each year based on various factors.

What is Florida minimum wage 2023? 

In 2023, the minimum wage in Florida was set at $11.00 per hour.

How much is Florida minimum wage? 

Florida's minimum wage amount is updated annually and can be confirmed on the state's official resources.

How much is minimum wage in the state of Florida? 

The minimum wage in the state of Florida varies annually and is adjusted based on economic conditions.

What is the minimum wage in Florida? 

The minimum wage in Florida is updated each year and reflects changes in the cost of living and other economic factors.

When does Florida minimum wage increase? 

Florida's minimum wage typically increases annually on September 30th.

What is the minimum wage in Florida right now? 

The most current minimum wage in Florida is available on the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity's website.

What is the minimum wage in Florida per hour? 

Florida's minimum wage per hour is determined by state legislation and can be found on official state resources.

What is minimum wage for Florida? 

Florida's minimum wage is adjusted each year to reflect economic changes and inflation.

What is server minimum wage in Florida? 

The server minimum wage in Florida is lower than the standard minimum wage but includes tips to meet or exceed the standard minimum wage.

When does the minimum wage go up in Florida? 

The minimum wage in Florida typically increases annually on September 30th.

What is current minimum wage in Florida? 

The current minimum wage in Florida can be checked on the state's official website.

What is Florida minimum wage 2024? 

In 2024, Florida's minimum wage is scheduled to increase as part of the annual adjustment process.

When is minimum wage going up in Florida? 

Minimum wage increases in Florida are scheduled annually, usually effective on September 30th.

What is minimum wage for servers in Florida? 

For servers in Florida, the minimum wage is lower than the standard rate but must equal the minimum wage when combined with tips.

How much minimum wage in Florida? 

The minimum wage in Florida varies by year and employee classification, such as tipped employees.

How much is minimum wage in Florida 2023? 

In 2023, the minimum wage in Florida was $11.00 per hour.

What is Florida minimum wage right now? 

The current minimum wage in Florida is available on the official Florida Department of Economic Opportunity website.

When will minimum wage go up in Florida? 

The minimum wage in Florida typically goes up annually, effective September 30th.

What is the minimum wage Florida? 

The minimum wage in Florida is set by the state government and updated annually.

What is the minimum wage for servers in Florida? 

Servers in Florida receive a lower base wage but must earn at least the minimum wage when tips are included.

What is minimum wage in Jacksonville Florida? 

Jacksonville follows the state minimum wage regulations set by Florida.

What is the minimum wage in Orlando Florida? 

Orlando adheres to the state minimum wage laws of Florida.

What is the minimum wage in Miami Florida? 

Miami's minimum wage is the same as the state minimum wage in Florida.

What is the current minimum wage in the state of Florida? 

The current minimum wage in Florida is available on the state's official website.

When does Florida minimum wage go up? 

Florida's minimum wage increases are scheduled to occur annually on September 30th.

What is the minimum wage in Jacksonville Florida? 

Jacksonville's minimum wage aligns with the state minimum wage of Florida.

How much is minimum wage in Florida right now? 

The current minimum wage in Florida can be checked on the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity's website.

What is minimum wage in Orlando Florida? 

Orlando's minimum wage follows the state of Florida's minimum wage regulations.

What is the minimum wage for the state of Florida? 

The state minimum wage in Florida is updated annually based on economic factors and legislation.

When does $15 minimum wage start in Florida? 

The $15 minimum wage in Florida is being phased in gradually, with annual increases leading up to 2026.

When is Florida minimum wage going up? 

Florida's minimum wage typically increases annually on September 30th.

How much is minimum wage Florida? 

Florida's minimum wage varies each year and can be confirmed through official state resources.

What is minimum wage in Florida for servers? 

Servers in Florida receive a base wage lower than the standard minimum wage, supplemented by tips.

What is the minimum wage in Florida in 2023? 

In 2023, the minimum wage in Florida was $11.00 per hour.

What is minimum wage in Florida 2022? 

In 2022, the minimum wage in Florida was $10.00 per hour.

What is the minimum wage in Florida now? 

The current minimum wage in Florida can be found on the official state website.

What is the new minimum wage in Florida? 

The new minimum wage in Florida is updated annually and published on the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity's website.

What is Florida state minimum wage? 

Florida's state minimum wage is adjusted annually to reflect inflation and other economic conditions.

What is the federal minimum wage in Florida? 

The federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour, but Florida's state minimum wage supersedes this for state workers.

What is the minimum wage of Florida? 

The minimum wage of Florida is set by state law and adjusted annually.

What is minimum wage in Pensacola Florida? 

Pensacola follows the state minimum wage regulations of Florida.

What is minimum wage right now in Florida? 

The current minimum wage in Florida can be verified through the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity's website.

What is minimum wage in Florida 2024 per hour? 

The minimum wage in Florida for 2024 per hour will be updated and published on the state's official resources.

What is minimum wage for the state of Florida? 

Florida's minimum wage is set by the state government and updated annually.

What is minimum wage in Miami Florida? 

Miami adheres to the state minimum wage laws of Florida.

What is the state minimum wage in Florida? 

The state minimum wage in Florida is determined by state legislation and updated annually.

What is minimum wage for tipped employees in Florida? 

Tipped employees in Florida receive a lower base wage but must earn at least the minimum wage when tips are included.

How much is minimum wage in Florida? 

The minimum wage in Florida varies annually and is available on the state's official website.

What’s the minimum wage in Florida? 

The minimum wage in Florida is the lowest hourly rate that employers can legally pay their employees.

What is the minimum wage in Tampa Florida? 

Tampa's minimum wage is aligned with the state minimum wage regulations set by Florida.

What is minimum wage in the state of Florida right now? 

The current minimum wage in the state of Florida can be found on the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity’s website.

When does minimum wage increase in Florida? 

Minimum wage increases in Florida typically occur annually on September 30th.

What is Florida minimum wage in 2023? 

In 2023, the minimum wage in Florida was $11.00 per hour.

What is minimum wage in Florida 2023? 

The minimum wage in Florida for the year 2023 was set at $11.00 per hour.

What is the server minimum wage in Florida? 

The server minimum wage in Florida is lower than the standard rate but is supplemented by tips to meet or exceed the standard minimum wage.

What is minimum wage in Florida for minors? 

For minors in Florida, the minimum wage is generally the same as for adults, unless specific exemptions apply.

What is the minimum hourly wage in Florida? 

The minimum hourly wage in Florida is set by state law and updated annually.

How much is minimum wage in Florida 2024? 

In 2024, the minimum wage in Florida is scheduled to increase; check the latest updates for the exact amount.

When does Florida minimum wage increase to $15? 

Florida's minimum wage is set to increase to $15 per hour by 2026, with incremental annual increases leading up to this amount.

What is the minimum wage in Florida for servers? 

Servers in Florida receive a base wage that is lower than the standard minimum wage but must earn at least the standard minimum wage when tips are included.

What is the minimum wage in Florida 2022? 

In 2022, the minimum wage in Florida was $10.00 per hour.

What is minimum wage in Florida for tipped employees? 

Tipped employees in Florida receive a lower base wage but their total earnings, including tips, must equal or exceed the standard minimum wage.

What is the current Florida minimum wage? 

The current Florida minimum wage can be found on the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity's official website.

What is the minimum wage for tipped employees in Florida? 

Tipped employees in Florida must earn enough in tips to bring their total earnings up to the state minimum wage.

What is minimum wage in Tampa Florida? 

Tampa follows the state minimum wage laws set by Florida.

When is the minimum wage going up in Florida? 

The minimum wage in Florida typically goes up on September 30th each year.

What is the state of Florida minimum wage?

 The state of Florida sets its minimum wage annually based on economic conditions and voter-approved amendments.

What is tipped minimum wage in Florida? 

In Florida, tipped employees receive a base wage that is lower than the standard rate, but their total earnings, including tips, must meet or exceed the state minimum wage.

What is Florida minimum wage? 

Florida’s minimum wage is set by the state government and is updated annually to reflect economic changes.

What is Florida server minimum wage? 

For servers in Florida, the minimum wage is lower than the general minimum wage but must include tips to equal the standard rate.

When does minimum wage go up in Florida 2023? 

The minimum wage in Florida increased on September 30, 2023.

What is the legal minimum wage in Florida? 

The legal minimum wage in Florida is set by state legislation and updated annually.

What is minimum wage in Florida in 2023? 

In 2023, the minimum wage in Florida was $11.00 per hour.

What is the Florida state minimum wage? 

Florida's state minimum wage is adjusted annually to account for inflation and other economic factors.

What is Florida minimum wage in 2024? 

In 2024, the minimum wage in Florida is expected to increase; the specific amount will be announced by the state.

What is minimum wage in Florida in 2024? 

For 2024, the minimum wage in Florida is set to increase according to the state’s planned schedule.

What is minimum wage in South Florida? 

South Florida follows the state minimum wage regulations.

What is the minimum wage for waitresses in Florida? 

Waitresses in Florida receive a base wage lower than the standard rate, but their tips must bring their total earnings up to at least the state minimum wage.

What is the minimum wage in the state of Florida? 

The state of Florida adjusts its minimum wage annually, reflecting changes in the cost of living and other economic factors.

What’s the minimum wage in Florida? 

The minimum wage in Florida is the lowest hourly wage that employers can legally pay their employees, adjusted annually.

What is minimum wage for waitresses in Florida?

Waitresses in Florida earn a lower base wage but must make at least the standard minimum wage when tips are included.

What is the minimum wage for a server in Florida? 

Servers in Florida are paid a base wage lower than the standard minimum wage, but their total earnings, including tips, must meet or exceed the state minimum wage.

How much in minimum wage in Florida? 

The minimum wage in Florida varies by year and employee classification, such as tipped employees.

When is the next minimum wage increase in Florida? 

The next minimum wage increase in Florida is scheduled for September 30th each year.

What is the minimum wage in Florida for 2024?

 In 2024, the minimum wage in Florida is expected to rise; the exact figure will be announced by the state.

What is the minimum wage in Florida for tipped employees? 

Tipped employees in Florida receive a lower base wage but must earn at least the minimum wage when tips are included.

What is the minimum wage in Florida in 2024? 

The minimum wage in Florida for 2024 will be higher than the previous year, with specific amounts announced by the state.

When does minimum wage in Florida go up?

 The minimum wage in Florida typically increases annually on September 30th.

What is Florida minimum wage for tipped employees? 

Tipped employees in Florida receive a base wage that, with tips, must equal or exceed the state minimum wage.

How much is a minimum wage in Florida? 

The minimum wage in Florida varies annually and is adjusted for inflation and other factors.

What is Florida minimum wage for 2024? 

In 2024, Florida’s minimum wage is set to increase; the exact amount will be determined by the state.

What is the tipped minimum wage in Florida? 

The tipped minimum wage in Florida is a lower base rate, supplemented by tips to meet or exceed the standard minimum wage.

When does the Florida minimum wage go up?

 Florida's minimum wage typically increases on September 30th each year.

What is minimum wage in the state of Florida? 

The state minimum wage in Florida is adjusted annually to reflect economic conditions.

When will Florida minimum wage be 15? 

Florida’s minimum wage is set to reach $15 per hour by 2026, with incremental increases each year.

What Florida minimum wage? 

Florida’s minimum wage is determined by the state government and adjusted annually.

How much is minimum wage in Orlando Florida? 

Orlando follows the state minimum wage regulations of Florida.

What is minimum wage for a server in Florida?

 Servers in Florida earn a base wage that is lower than the standard rate but must make at least the minimum wage when tips are included.

How much is minimum wage in Jacksonville Florida? 

Jacksonville adheres to the state minimum wage laws set by Florida.

How much is Florida minimum wage 2024? 

In 2024, the minimum wage in Florida is expected to increase; the specific rate will be announced by the state.

What is the minimum wage in Pensacola Florida?

 Pensacola follows the state minimum wage regulations set by Florida.

When does minimum wage go up to $15 in Florida?

 Florida’s minimum wage will reach $15 per hour by 2026, with incremental annual increases.

When did minimum wage go up in Florida? 

Minimum wage increases in Florida typically occur on September 30th each year.

What is minimum wage in Florida 2020? 

In 2020, the minimum wage in Florida was $8.56 per hour.

What is the minimum wage in South Florida? 

South Florida follows the state minimum wage laws of Florida.

What is the Florida minimum wage for 2012? 

In 2012, the minimum wage in Florida was $7.67 per hour.

What is minimum wage Florida 2023? 

In 2023, the minimum wage in Florida was $11.00 per hour.

What is minimum wage in Panama City Florida? 

Panama City follows the state minimum wage regulations set by Florida.

What is the current minimum wage in Florida? 

The current minimum wage in Florida can be found on the official Florida Department of Economic Opportunity website.

When does minimum wage go up in the state of Florida? 

Increases in the minimum wage in Florida typically occur annually on September 30th.

What is the minimum wage in Florida 2011? 

In 2011, the minimum wage in Florida was $7.31 per hour.

How much is Florida minimum wage 2023? 

In 2023, the minimum wage in Florida was $11.00 per hour.

In Florida what is the minimum wage?

 The minimum wage in Florida is updated annually and reflects economic conditions and inflation.

What is a minimum wage in Florida? 

The minimum wage in Florida is the lowest amount an employer can legally pay their employees per hour.

What is current Florida minimum wage? 

The current minimum wage in Florida can be checked on

What is current Florida minimum wage? 

The current minimum wage in Florida can be checked on the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity’s website.

What is minimum wage in Florida yearly? 

The annual minimum wage in Florida is determined by multiplying the hourly wage by the number of hours worked annually.

When is minimum wage going up Florida? 

The minimum wage in Florida typically increases on September 30th each year.

How much is minimum wage for servers in Florida? 

Servers in Florida earn a base wage that, with tips, must equal or exceed the state minimum wage.

What is the minimum wage in Florida today? 

The most up-to-date minimum wage in Florida is available on the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity’s website.

What is a server's minimum wage in Florida? 

The minimum wage for servers in Florida is lower than the standard rate, supplemented by tips to meet or exceed the standard minimum wage.

What was minimum wage in Florida in 2020? 

In 2020, the minimum wage in Florida was $8.56 per hour.

How much is minimum wage in Miami Florida? 

Miami follows the state minimum wage laws of Florida.

What is the minimum wage rate in Florida? 

The minimum wage rate in Florida is set by state law and updated annually.

What is the minimum wage in Florida as of today? 

The current minimum wage in Florida can be found on the official state website.

When did Florida minimum wage go up?

 Florida’s minimum wage typically increases on September 30th each year.

How much is the minimum wage in Florida 2014? 

In 2014, the minimum wage in Florida was $7.93 per hour.

When will Florida minimum wage go up? 

Florida’s minimum wage is scheduled to increase annually, with the next increase typically occurring on September 30th.

What is minimum wage in Florida for 2024? 

For 2024, the minimum wage in Florida will be announced and is expected to be higher than the previous year.

When does Florida minimum wage go to $15 an hour? 

Florida's minimum wage will reach $15 an hour by 2026, with incremental increases each year.

What is minimum wage in Florida currently? 

The current minimum wage in Florida is available on the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity’s website.

How much is minimum wage in Tampa Florida?

 Tampa follows the state minimum wage regulations set by Florida.

What is minimum wage in Florida 2023 per hour? 

In 2023, the minimum wage in Florida was $11.00 per hour.

What is minimum wage in Miami Florida 2012? 

In 2012, the minimum wage in Florida, including Miami, was $7.67 per hour.

How much is the minimum wage in Florida 2023?

 In 2023, the minimum wage in Florida was $11.00 per hour.

What is the minimum wage for Florida right now? 

The current minimum wage in Florida can be found on the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity’s official website.

What is minimum wage in Florida today? 

The most up-to-date minimum wage in Florida is available on the state’s official resources.

What is Florida minimum wage 2022? 

In 2022, the minimum wage in Florida was $10.00 per hour.

What is Florida minimum wage for 2023? 

For 2023, the minimum wage in Florida was set at $11.00 per hour.

What is the new minimum wage in Florida 2014? 

In 2014, the minimum wage in Florida was $7.93 per hour.

When will minimum wage be $15 in Florida? 

Florida's minimum wage will be $15 per hour by 2026, with annual incremental increases.

When does minimum wage go up Florida? 

The minimum wage in Florida typically increases on September 30th each year.

What is the minimum wage in Florida 2014? 

In 2014, the minimum wage in Florida was $7.93 per hour.

What is Orlando Florida minimum wage? 

Orlando follows the state minimum wage regulations of Florida.

What is minimum wage Florida 2024? 

For 2024, the minimum wage in Florida will be updated and announced by the state government.

What is the minimum wage for a waitress in Florida? 

Waitresses in Florida receive a base wage that is supplemented by tips to meet or exceed the standard minimum wage.

What is Florida tipped minimum wage? 

The tipped minimum wage in Florida is a lower base rate that, combined with tips, must meet or exceed the state minimum wage.

What is the current minimum wage in Florida 2012? 

In 2012, the minimum wage in Florida was $7.67 per hour.

What is minimum wage in Tallahassee Florida? 

Tallahassee follows the state minimum wage regulations set by Florida.

What is Florida current minimum wage? 

The current minimum wage in Florida can be found on the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity’s website.

How much is the minimum wage in Florida 2016? 

In 2016, the minimum wage in Florida was $8.05 per hour.

What is the minimum wage in Florida for waitresses? 

Waitresses in Florida are paid a base wage supplemented by tips to meet or exceed the state minimum wage.

When does minimum wage change in Florida? 

Minimum wage in Florida typically changes on September 30th each year.

What is the average minimum wage in Florida? 

The average minimum wage in Florida varies annually, with the specific rate set by state regulations.

What is the Florida minimum wage 2011? 

In 2011, the minimum wage in Florida was $7.31 per hour.

What is Florida minimum wage 2013? 

In 2013, the minimum wage in Florida was $7.79 per hour.

How much is server minimum wage in Florida? 

The server minimum wage in Florida is lower than the standard rate but must include tips to meet or exceed the state minimum wage.

What is the current minimum wage in Florida 2014? 

In 2014, the minimum wage in Florida was $7.93 per hour.

What is the Florida minimum wage 2023? 

In 2023, the minimum wage in Florida was $11.00 per hour.

What will the minimum wage be in Florida in 2024? 

The minimum wage in Florida for 2024 will be announced by the state and is expected to be higher than the previous year.

When does minimum wage go up in Florida 2014? 

In 2014, the minimum wage in Florida increased on January 1st to $7.93 per hour.

What is minimum wage now in Florida? 

The current minimum wage in Florida can be found on the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity’s website.



Thomas M. A.

A literature-lover by design and qualification, Thomas loves exploring different aspects of software and writing about the same.

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