
401k contribution limits 2024

Maximize Your Savings: Understanding 401k Contribution Limits for 2024

Published on June 3rd, 2024


As we enter a new digital era, employees and employers alike must stay updated on the latest changes in 401k contribution limits. These limits are set by the IRS and can have significant implications for retirement savings strategies. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down the various aspects of 401k contribution limits 2024, including basic limits, after-tax contributions, employer contributions, limits for highly paid employees, excess contributions, and a comparison between 2024 and 2023 limits.

Basic Limits

The IRS sets annual contribution limits for 401k plans, which can change yearly to account for inflation and other economic factors. For 2024, the basic contribution limit for employees under 50 is $23,000. This is an increase from the $22,500 limit in 2023, reflecting the IRS's adjustment for inflation. Employees aged 50 and over can make additional catch-up contributions, bringing their total limit to $30,500, up from $30,000 in 2023.

Understanding the Contribution Limits

The contribution limits set by the IRS are a crucial component of retirement planning. These limits determine the maximum amount an individual can contribute to their 401k plan on a tax-deferred basis each year. Tax-deferred contributions lower your taxable income for the year in which they are made, allowing you to save more effectively for retirement.

Importance of Maximizing Contributions

1. Tax Benefits: Contributing the maximum allowable amount reduces your taxable income for the year, potentially lowering your overall tax bill. This immediate tax benefit makes 401k contributions a powerful tool for tax planning.

2. Compound Growth: Contributions to a 401k grow tax-deferred, meaning you don't pay taxes on the investment gains until you withdraw the money. This allows your savings to grow more rapidly over time due to the effect of compounding.

3. Retirement Readiness: Maximizing contributions helps ensure that you are saving enough to meet your retirement goals. Given the rising cost of living and healthcare, having a robust retirement fund is more important than ever.

Special Considerations for Those Aged 50 and Over

Employees aged 50 and over are allowed to make additional catch-up contributions. This provision is designed to help older workers accelerate their retirement savings as they approach retirement age. 

For 2024, the catch-up contribution limit remains $7,500, bringing the total possible contribution for those aged 50 and over to $30,500. This catch-up provision is crucial for those who may have started saving later in their careers or who need to boost their retirement savings to meet their financial goals.

Strategic Planning for Contribution Limits

1. Budgeting for Contributions: To take full advantage of the 401k contribution limits, consider budgeting your finances to ensure you can afford to contribute the maximum amount. This might involve reducing discretionary spending or finding additional income sources.

2. Automating Contributions: Set up automatic payroll deductions for your 401k contributions. This ensures consistency and helps you reach the annual limit without having to manually adjust your contributions throughout the year.

3. Periodic Review: Regularly review your 401k contributions and overall retirement strategy. Adjust your contributions based on changes in income, financial goals, and IRS limits to ensure you are maximizing your retirement savings.

Why Contribution Limits Matter

Understanding these limits is crucial because they directly impact how much you can set aside for retirement on a tax-advantaged basis. Contributing up to the maximum limit allows you to lower your taxable income while boosting your retirement savings, making it a key strategy for long-term financial planning.

The increase in contribution limits allows individuals to save more for retirement. While a $500 increase may seem modest, over time, these incremental increases can significantly enhance retirement savings. For example, an additional $500 contributed annually can grow substantially over the years due to compound interest. This small increase, when invested wisely, can add thousands of dollars to your retirement fund by the time you retire.

Examples of Maximizing Contributions

1. Young Professionals: For young professionals under 50, starting early and contributing the maximum amount can set a strong foundation for retirement savings. With the limit set at $23,000 for 2024, even consistent contributions over a few years can lead to significant growth due to compound interest.

2. Mid-Career Savers: Those in their mid-career can benefit from maximizing their contributions to catch up on retirement savings. By taking full advantage of the $23,000 limit, they can make substantial progress toward their retirement goals.

3. Late-Career Savers: For employees aged 50 and over, the catch-up contribution is a vital tool. By contributing the full $30,500, they can significantly boost their retirement savings, making up for any shortfalls in earlier years.

By understanding and utilizing the 401k contribution limits effectively, you can enhance your retirement savings strategy, ensuring a more secure and comfortable retirement. The key is to start early, contribute consistently, and adjust your contributions as needed to take full advantage of the available limits.

After-Tax Contributions

In addition to pre-tax and Roth contributions, some 401k plans allow for after-tax contributions. These contributions can be particularly beneficial for high earners looking to maximize their retirement savings. For 2024, the total contribution limit, which includes employee and employer contributions as well as after-tax contributions, is $66,000 for individuals under 50 and $73,500 for those 50 and over. This combined limit ensures that employees can take full advantage of their retirement plan's potential.

Benefits of After-Tax Contributions

After-tax contributions are advantageous because they provide another avenue for saving beyond the standard limits. These contributions grow tax-deferred and can potentially be rolled over into a Roth IRA in the future, allowing for tax-free withdrawals during retirement.

Employer Contributions

Employer contributions are a significant component of the 401k savings strategy. These can come in the form of matching contributions, where the employer matches a portion of the employee’s contributions, or non-elective contributions, where the employer contributes a set amount regardless of employee contributions. For 2024, the maximum allowable combined contribution from both employee and employer is $66,000 for those under 50, and $73,500 for those aged 50 and over, inclusive of catch-up contributions.

Types of Employer Contributions

1. Matching Contributions: Employers match a percentage of the employee's contribution, typically up to a certain limit, such as 50% matching up to 6% of the employee's salary.

2. Non-Elective Contributions: Employers contribute a fixed amount for all eligible employees, regardless of whether the employee contributes.

3. Profit-Sharing Contributions: Employers contribute a portion of the company’s profits to employees’ 401k accounts, which can vary each year.

Limits for Highly Paid Employees

Highly compensated employees (HCEs), defined by the IRS as those earning $150,000 or more in 2023 (subject to annual adjustments), face additional rules and limitations. The IRS imposes nondiscrimination tests to ensure that 401k plans do not disproportionately favor HCEs. These tests compare the average contributions of HCEs to those of non-HCEs. If the plan fails these tests, HCEs might be required to reduce their contributions or face refunds of excess contributions.

Nondiscrimination Tests

1. Actual Deferral Percentage (ADP) Test: Compares the average deferral rates of HCEs and non-HCEs.

2. Actual Contribution Percentage (ACP) Test: Similar to the ADP test but includes employer matching and after-tax contributions.

3. Top-Heavy Test: Ensures that key employees do not hold more than 60% of the plan's assets.

Excess Contributions

Contributing more than the allowable limit to a 401k plan can result in excess contributions, which need to be corrected to avoid tax penalties. If you contribute more than the limit, the excess amount, along with any earnings on the excess, must be withdrawn by April 15 of the following year. Failing to do so can result in double taxation: the excess amount is taxed both in the year it was contributed and in the year it is withdrawn.

Correcting Excess Contributions

To correct excess contributions:

1. Notify Your Plan Administrator: Inform them of the excess contribution.

2. Withdraw Excess Amounts: Ensure the excess contributions and any earnings are withdrawn by April 15 of the following year.

3. Adjust Future Contributions: Lower your contributions in the next year to prevent further excess contributions.

Comparing 2024 and 2023 Limits

The comparison between the 401k contribution limits 2024 and 401k contribution limits 2023 reveals modest increases designed to keep pace with inflation and the rising cost of living. Below is a detailed table summarizing these changes:

Contribution Type2023 Limit2024 LimitIncrease
Basic Employee Contribution$22,500$23,000$500
Catch-Up Contribution (50 and over)$7,500$7,500$0
Total Contribution (Employee + Employer, under 50)$66,000$66,000$0
Total Contribution (Employee + Employer, 50 and over)$73,500$73,500$0










Key Takeaways

  • Basic Employee Contribution Limit: Increased by $500 from 2023 to 2024, allowing employees under 50 to contribute up to $23,000.
  • Catch-Up Contribution Limit: Remains unchanged at $7,500, allowing employees aged 50 and over to contribute an additional amount on top of the basic limit.
  • Total Contribution Limit (Employee + Employer): Remains unchanged for both under 50 and 50 and over categories, but the increased employee contribution limit allows for slightly more tax-advantaged savings.

Understanding the Implications

These incremental increases, though modest, provide additional opportunities for retirement savings. By taking advantage of these limits, individuals can maximize their tax-advantaged contributions and enhance their long-term retirement strategy. Even small increases in contribution limits can lead to significant growth over time due to the power of compound interest, making these changes valuable for diligent savers.

Also read: Navigating the World of 403b vs 401k: An In-Depth Comparison

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the new 401k contribution limit for 2024?

The basic employee contribution limit for 2024 is $23,000, with an additional catch-up contribution limit of $7,500 for those aged 50 and over.

2. How do after-tax contributions affect my total 401k savings?

After-tax contributions can significantly boost your retirement savings by allowing you to exceed the standard contribution limits. For 2024, the combined limit for all contributions (employee, employer, and after-tax) is $66,000, or $73,500 if you are 50 or older.

3. What happens if I exceed the 401k contribution limits?

Excess contributions must be corrected by withdrawing the excess amount and any earnings by April 15 of the following year to avoid penalties.

4. How are highly compensated employees affected by 401k limits?

Highly compensated employees may face additional restrictions due to nondiscrimination tests, which ensure that the plan benefits all employees fairly.

5. Are there any changes to the employer contribution limits for 2024?

The total contribution limit, including employer contributions, remains consistent with the overall limit increases, allowing for a total of $66,000 (or $73,500 with catch-up contributions) for 2024.

6. What is a 401k?
A 401k is a retirement savings plan offered by employers that allows employees to save and invest a portion of their paychecks before taxes are taken out. The money in a 401k grows tax-deferred until it is withdrawn, typically after retirement.

7. What is the difference between a 401k and other retirement plans?
A 401k is specifically an employer-sponsored plan that offers tax advantages. Unlike IRAs (Individual Retirement Accounts), a 401k often includes employer matching contributions, which can boost your retirement savings.

8. How much should I contribute to my 401k?
Experts generally recommend contributing at least enough to get the full employer match, if offered. A common rule of thumb is to contribute 10% to 15% of your income, depending on your financial situation and retirement goals.

9. How much should I have in my 401k by certain ages?
As a general guideline, many financial experts suggest having the equivalent of your annual salary saved by the time you're 30, two times your salary by age 40, and three times by age 50. However, this can vary based on your personal retirement goals.

10. When can you withdraw from your 401k?
You can typically begin withdrawing from your 401k without penalty after you reach the age of 59½. Withdrawals before this age may incur a 10% early withdrawal penalty, with some exceptions for specific circumstances.

The Bottom Line

Knowing the 401k contribution limits will ensure, within the law, that one can make the most out of retirement savings. The increases for 401k contribution limits 2024 provide a golden opportunity to save much more through standard, catch-up, and after-tax contributions. 

Take some time to know how these limits would apply to your situation, particularly if you are considered a highly compensated employee, to take full advantage of your 401k plan. You will be able to maximize your strategy to save for retirement within the guidelines set by the IRS if you show you are taking care of any excess contributions as soon as possible.

Additional Tips for Maximizing Your 401k

1. Automate Contributions: Set up automatic payroll deductions to ensure consistent contributions.

2. Review Your Contributions Regularly: Adjust your contributions based on changes in your salary or financial goals.

3. Take Advantage of Employer Matches: Contribute at least enough to get the full employer match, if available.

4. Consider Professional Advice: Consult with a financial advisor to optimize your retirement savings strategy.

By keeping these tips in mind and understanding the nuances of 401k contribution limits, you can make informed decisions that will benefit your long-term financial health.



Soujanya Varada

As a technical content writer and social media strategist, Soujanya develops and manages strategies at HireQuotient. With strong technical background and years of experience in content management, she looks for opportunities to flourish in the digital space. Soujanya is also a dance fanatic and believes in spreading light!

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